Thursday, May 26, 2011

Puffy Paint!

Wow, this one was exciting, let me tell you.

I found this idea via Irresistible Ideas For Play Based Learning's blog, here

What I love MOST about it is how easy it is, not to mention great fun!

The basic idea is you mix some paint, paint a picture, then microwave said picture.

Here we go!

  • 1 Tbsp Self Raising Flour
  • 1 Tbsp salt
  • Food colouring (we used only red, blue and yellow with fantastic results)
  • enough water to make a thick gloopy pastey paint
We used plain white paper for a lack of better options. However, I think that white cardboard would have worked better and warped less... 



 We found that big gloopy globs of paint worked best!

Once you've finished painting all your masterpieces, simply trot them on over to the microwave and zap them for 30 seconds. We did find that some of the more paint-heavy pieces needed a bit longer, we just kept giving them 10-20 second bursts if bits were still damp....

 WOW! Waiting for the finished products to cool down (only takes a few seconds)

 Lovely to touch! Very tactile....

Biscuit's verdict: "It's very puffy. Very lovely"

The finished product is hard and puffy. I was pleased to find it doesn't deflate! I assume the salt also keeps the whole thing from turning a bit fungified within a day or so. 
I can't recommend this one enough! Definitely a hit! And BONUS - not too messy either :)

Bad Blogger! Great Links!

Hello Everyone!

Much to my shock, my visitor counter says that some people have still been visiting this blog, even though I haven't updated since January!

There is a good (or at the very least, decent) reason for this. As most of you know, I'm pregnant again! Yay! Very exciting. Even more exciting, I'm now out of the first trimester and

a) don't wish to die from the constant nausea

b) seem to have recovered from what my friend calls "first trimester narcolepsy".

I usually update my blogs when Biscuit is asleep, but I can assure you for the last 3 months, whenever she's been asleep, so have I!

Anyway, before I go on and post about our latest funtimes, I thought I'd share with you some amazing blogs I've found! I had no idea there were so many of these out there! So, here you go....

I've discovered that one blog links to another, and another, and another.... you could get lost! So glad to have found so many excellent ideas!
Thanks for hanging around. Hopefully there'll be a lot more soon... :)