Saturday, October 23, 2010


Hi Everyone!

For the first post I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know what I'm trying to do with this blog.

Since we moved to Pt Moresby almost 2 months ago, life has changed for us adults! But life has also changed for our 16 month old daughter, aka Biscuit. All of a sudden, we can't go and play outside our compound - it just isn't safe. Regardless of security issues, there aren't that many places to go anyway!

We still try and get "out and about" at least once per day, and there are a couple of secure playgrounds, but we are fairly housebound a lot of the time. Even our array of toys has gotten old quite quickly.

After a recent spate of illnesses and some bad weather, I have realised that I'm becoming over-reliant on DVDs as entertainment. Biscuit is also becoming quite demanding regarding DVD time. She'll park herelf on the couch and yell "Singa! Singa! Singa!" (which is the name of her favourite DVD, "I Like To Sing"). It's not that I think TV is inherently bad, but as a few parenting books have pointed out, the problem is more what toddlers are not doing while they're watching TV. They're not reading, developing motor skills, using imaginative play etc etc.

I decided that we need to be doing more organised activities - things that will keep her entertained but also hopefully be good for her development in some way. This week I've found 2 great resources.

Firstly, this excellent book, which I've had for some time now:

I think when I read it previously, Biscuit was just a wee bit too young for any of the activities. Now, on re-reading it, I have found page after page of solid gold.

Also, this blog, which I stumbled across accidentally:

 So now I'm armed with ideas! Thanks to 2 recent visits from Grandmas from Australia, I also have a fully stocked craft cupboard.

The only thing I'm going to have to work on is planning!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog, and of course if you'd like feel free to try out some of the activities yourself!

I'm installing a rating system at the bottom of each post. If you tried an activity and liked it or hated it.... more to the point if your toddler loved it or not, please rate away! I'd love to hear your comments too.

I'd also love to hear your top toddler tips! Please send them in and we can try them out.

Cheers! :)

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